Use the map to find your nearest retailer. You can find our own showrooms and stores in Malmö and Stockholm. Opening hours and contact information for each store can be found on our store websites.
At our retailers, you'll learn more about our models, find service options, and get valuable information about owning a Cargobike. Our test centers always have at least one Cargobike model available for you to try.
On our map of retailers, affiliated test centers are marked in green and with a green star in the list. Our bikes may also be available at several of our retailers, both for testing and for purchase. Please contact your nearest retailer for more information.

Saknar du Cargobike på din ort?
Låt oss eller din lokala cykelhandlare veta att du vill ha oss!
If you are a bicycle retailer and are interested in including Cargobike in your range, please contact us.